Is O.M.T only for people looking to lose weight?
No! Operation Muffin Top is a paleo bootcamp program geared towards giving participants the proper tools and program structure to get them to a specific short or long-term goal. The majority of O.M.T participants are simply looking to create some "me time" for 10 solid weeks by making sure they are doing everything their body needs and putting faith in our staff to get them there.
How long are the sessions and will I be in a group or on my own?
All sessions are 50-60min and it will be your choice as to whether you prefer group, semi-private (2 people) or private training. Please look at the OMT description on the website for all point structure details.
How does the points system work during O.M.T?
Every participant will be given a point chart prior to the initial weigh-in. These charts must be with you for all private training and class times which is when your trainer will initial off on your points for that day. Only the points for classes and training sessions will be added up from weeks 1-10 to be shown on the weekly scorebord. ALL other points will be added at the end of the program for your total.
I'm not a big fan of making my personal info public. Will everyone know how much I weigh?
No. Every participant will come up with a "code name" that will be used for the weekly scoreboard. Your weight will be shown but as long as your code name is kept private no one will know your information.
Do we get points for working out at other gyms and participating in any sports?
No. As much as we would like to reward you for being active it is impossible for us to monitor anything that isn't done inside the gym.
What are my goals?
You should be the one choosing your goals. We put the right programs together to get you there. We encourage constant communication between members and trainers to ensure we are always on the same page.
When does the program end?
O.M.T ends 8 weeks from your initial weigh in.
What do I have to do to get ready?
To be prepared you should read over the diet, begin the necessary grocery list/shopping for it and start coming into our classes before the challenge starts so you have a good base to work from and understand our program structure. If you prefer private training you should set that up at least two weeks prior to your weigh-in.
What is expected of me?
You are expected to do ...things: Stick to the diet, workout 5-6 days a week, keep a food dairy (we like the calorie counter app), ask MANY questions along the way, and LEAVE ANY AND ALL EXCUSES AWAY FROM THE COACHES AND THE GYM.
What is considered an excuse?
Anything that causes you to not follow the above question!!
How to fit it in between working 8am to 5pm? (I WORK)
So do most people. We don't want to sound rude but you are signing up to get in shape. If you aren't going to block off an hour a day to workout and eat right failure towards your goals will be inevitable.
What do I do after O.M.T?
We would like to see you follow our program the way it is designed and ask that question to yourself once the 10 weeks is over.....We promise you will get a laugh!
I do grill alot of meats but use teriyaki for the most part, do you have any suggestions on good subsitute for commericial marinades?
We're not up on grilling marinades etc so this is an area where I need to learn too, in order to help others - the main reason for NOT using them is the levels of salt/sugar and artificial chemicals/GMO products etc in them. You are looking to find as 'clean' a product as you can - soy sauce is often made with wheat, so is not gluten free, but tamari is a gluten free alternative... maybe you can google vegan marinades, or gluten-free healthy marinades and see what you come up with. We would also encourage everyone to start sharing their thoughts and ideas on the facebook page, so will post this as a first question out to everyone....previous OMT'ers may already have found the answer. In terms of dressing, same applies - try to find versions that have only 4 or 5 real ingredients, with no chemicals or preservatives, and use olive oil (preferably organic), instead of canola oil - you can find some with strong tastes, and others with hardly any...much healthier ratios of omega 3-6 in this type of oil.
I asked about the 100 oz of water and you responded that it includes fluids not just water, what else is available?
Tea & Coffee is all I know about...
Water intake: Water is definitely by far the best. I tend to infuse mine with fruit and herbs, to give it some character...there are some great water bottles that have an inner perforated section that you can put healthy flavors into (slice of lemon/berries/garden herbs/slice of fresh ginger). Also, obviously the teas...I drink a lot of green teas/peppermint tea etc - at first I found it REALLY hard to come off PG Tips black tea with milk, (I'm british and LOVED my tea!!!) - but after a while, the cleanness of the water/flavored waters/green teas etc actually drew me to them, and I now can't face a black tea most of the time. I believe in a treat now and again, and one cup of coffee isn't going to kill you - if you can limit it to a couple of times a week, that's great, but if you have to start the day with one, use non-dairy milk, and don't put sugar or sweeteners in (I'll get to that whole thing in a minute). I also drink smoothies - sometimes as a meal, in which case the liquid is there but doesn't really count. However, if I am craving sweetness in the afternoon, I blend a carrot/orange/ginger smoothie, with plenty of cold water, and it's a really refreshing naturally sweet, zingy, afternoon pick-me-up. Bottom line is that water is the best thing...but hot, cold, and flavored, all count.
I am a tea drinker but I sweeten my tea with artificial sweeteners, is there going to be anything I can use to sweeten my tea?
If you are going to add something sweet, or need to in order to get through things while your diet and lifestyle turns the corner and settles into new regimes, then using a natural sweetener is MUCH better for you than any artificial one. So, in baking/cooking etc think about adding fruit into things - apple juice/orange juice etc to sweeten things, but if you have to, use a 'wholefood' natural sweetener like a local maple syrup or honey. Be aware of the quantities, and minimise as much as possible, but these are the healthiest ways to sweeten. If you need to use sugar, use an unprocessed natural raw cane sugar. The main reason behind using these is that they have lower GI values - ie the length of time to get into your blood and assimilate into your they won't give you as much of a sugar spike, from which to crash etc. The other key reason to use rather than artificial sweeteners, is exactly what's written in the want to avoid all processed and non-foods - ie artifical - the whole point of the paleo diet is to clean up your system, and give yourself real nutrients to eat, and feed your body. Ideally, your aim would be to beat the craving for sugar, and therefore gradually reduce from natural sweeteners, to no sweeteners...or you can go cold turkey, and just see how you do. It usually takes about 5 days to overcome the craving.
It would be great if you had a non-egg breakfast idea to pass around, I like eggs but I know 7days a week will get old. Suggestions?
Non-egg breakfast - will look into this and post on facebook too - i think you just need to spend some time going through the various paleo recipes on line until you find some combinations of things you like....make sure you use the Dr Cordain Paleo website, as he is the founder of the whole movement, and other websites can be a little too extreme.
I am curious to understand the problem non-caloric sweetened items cause. I do drink diet soda, typically one a day, and mostly for a 'treat' just to have some thing sweet, I understand high consumption of those drinks is bad but is one a day really a problem? Curious from the aspect of this challenge and then going forward under regular circumstances.
Why not sweeteners/diet sodas?
....this is a big one to answer, but I've actually just finished a lecture this morning on exactly that topic - those in food science would like to see soda taxed and outlawed more than cigarettes - it is basically THAT bad for you, and is killing the human race. It is not 'food' - there's nothing in it that offers any nutrition, so you're asking your body to raise an immune defense against it, everytime you drink it. Do that often enough, and internally, things start to break down. You are not alone in enjoying, or possible 'craving' it...if you can aim to reduce by one a week, at first, and gradually find other things that you can eat/drink instead, you would be doing your body a huge favor.
1. Caloric intake (daily): 1,221 (women), 2,345 (men)
2. Workouts: 6 classes/training sessions per week plus 90 min of cardio (Weekly)
3. Daily Food Log submission: 5-6/week
4. Participants typically lose 12.43% lost of starting weight
Again, these are the average numbers of everyone finishing in the top 5 OMT competitions over the past 24 challenges run.