Member of the month

1) How did you hear about the gym originally?
I learned of CF from Katy Ingulli, whose boys go to school with mine. Katy suggested CF as a spot to host a Ninja Warrior birthday party for my son.
2) Were you most interested in Private Training, CrossFit/Just Results classes or the Operation Muffin Top Bootcamp?
I was most interested in Just Results and Just Results row initally. I found the idea of CrossFit very intimidating in the beginning, because there were so many new movements.
3) What were your initial reasons for joining and have those reasons changed?
I was looking for a gym with close proximity to my home, and one that would allow me to mix up my routine a bit. CF achieved both!
4) How long have you been a member at Carozza Fitness?
About 11 months.
5) What is your favorite exercise? Why?
I like the D-ball cleans, tire flips, sled pushes. These are things that we don't do as often, so they are a fun challenge when they are incorporated in a workout.
6) What is your least favorite exercise and why?
That's a hard one to narrow down! Ha! I might have to go with the bike--my hair always blows around like crazy and I feel like I'm in a scene of The Wizard of Oz.
7) What has been your biggest accomplishment since starting at ?
There have been lots of little victories, but in general, I feel proud of the fact that I can move through the workouts at a reasonable pace and sometimes at or close to the Rx weights.
8) How many days per week do you workout at Carozza Fitness?
Usually three days/week
9) What movement are you still struggling with and what are you doing to fix it?
This list is long. I would love to get a strict pull-up in 2019. Eventually I might get a double under. Wall-walks and HSPs seem like a distant dream.
10) What were your stats, physically, before coming to Carozza Fitness? Weight?
I have probably lost about 5-10 lbs and one dress size. This was primarily related to OMT. For me, the exercise is great, but weight loss is 95% nutrition.
11) How has your nutrition changed since joining CF?
Participating in OMT helped me get back on track with eating fewer processes carbs and being mindful of portion control.
12) What motivates you daily?
Staying strong to keep up my boys.
13) What advice would you give to someone who might be hesitant to join Carozza Fitness?
My husband has recently just started at CF. He is coming from an exercise routine that didn't involve any resistance training, so this is a big leap. What I told him, is that all of the coaches (or pros, as Dan may prefer) are amazing and they will modify any movement for you that you may not be able to do yet. Working with a partner or in a small group is very motivating--the adrenaline you feel in this setting will definitely help you to accomplish more than you ever would by yourself.
14) Who’s your favorite Boy Band?
I'll go super old school on this one...The Beatles.

1) How did you hear about the gym originally?
I originally heard about Carozza in the Stamford advocate back in 2012? Carozza was offering free workouts to train for Trump stair climb for the American lung Association. I was like free work outs, I'm in!! I met some amazing athletes: Mike, Danielle, Joann, Maryann, and Grainne to name a few. We all ran up the Trump tower, not once but two years in a row for me.
At the time, I wasn't quite ready to leave my "old" gym, but I knew when I was, I was heading straight for Carozza fitness, and I did!
2) Were you most interested in Private Training, CrossFit/Just Results classes or the Operation Muffin Top Bootcamp?
I was most interested in group classes that incorporate all different movements and include more cardio, the Just Results are my favorite!
3) What were your initial reasons for joining and have those reasons changed?
It was hard to say goodbye to my old gym and gym buddies, but I finally made the switch because I was getting physically bored with the same routine, and new it was time for a change. I needed to kick it up a notch, I needed to get "tight in all the right places". Carozza Fitness was exactly what I needed!!
4) How long have you been a member at Carozza Fitness?
I have been an official member since September, 2015.
5) What is your favorite exercise? Why?
My favorites are the ones I can do.... lol
I like the assault bike, I'm a bike rider, it really improves my speed and endurance when I ride on the road. I like weight exercises and lifting. My current faves are HSPU, the db snatch and power and squat snatches. (Shh, I used to hate them, because I couldn't do them...)
6) What is your least favorite exercise and why? All the ones I can't do YET! Right now it's Double unders, but I'm working on it. Running is another one of my least favorites, but I'm planning on signing up for the running club, hope my feet will be ok for a 5k.
7) What has been your biggest accomplishment since starting at Carozza?
So many!! I would say pull-ups, HSPU, all the weight lifting moves.
I really enjoyed the skills and drills classes when/if they're offered, that's how I got comfortable with HSPU.
8) How many days per week do you workout at Carozza Fitness? I'm usually there at least 6 days a week.
9) What movement are you still struggling with and what are you doing to fix it?
Double unders, I need to practice more. Danielle suggested, practicing 5 minutes a day, so I've been squeezing that in my day. I hope to get those one day soon....
After that I'm going to work on muscle ups.
10) What were your stats, physically, before coming to Carozza Fitness? Weight?
I love working out, so I was relatively fit coming in, so I thought....I've been sore every day since, j/k...lol 🙄
I actually weigh a little more than I did starting, but that's ok, it's muscle. I feel great!
11) How has your nutrition changed since joining CF?
I've always been a moderately healthy eater, but I find myself eating even healthier, just because when I do, I feel better, and it helps me move better/easier at the gym.
12) What motivates you daily? I love the Carozza community of like minded individuals, we are all there getting fit/strong and having fun! Shout out to the 9:30 ladies!! They are amazing, and inspire me every day!! 😍
13) What advice would you give to someone who might be hesitant to join Carozza Fitness? Do it! It's so much "fun" working out with some pretty amazing athletes, it's a great fun community!
14) Who’s your favorite Boy Band?
Rolling Stones! 👅✌️
1) How did you hear about the gym originally?
Through the Winter Warrior Program at Fleet Feet back in 2014. Then a friend that I run with did OMT earlier this year and I realized I desperately needed a change in my workouts and seeing her progress inspired me.
2) Were you most interested in Private Training, CrossFit/Just Results classes or the Operation Muffin Top Bootcamp?
Definitely the OMT, I needed to be accountable to someone and the program gives you that.
3) What were your initial reasons for joining and have those reasons changed?
Initially for OMT, but now trying the different classes and realizing what my body is capable of doing the workouts my outlook changed. I am still in the learning stages of a lot of movements, but with practice and determination I hope I will continue to improve.
4) How long have you been a member at Carozza Fitness?
3 ½ months.
5) What is your favorite exercise? Why?
Learning the ring muscle ups (with a modification) and handstand pushups are top of my list right now! I enjoy when running is added into the workouts as well, I feel like I am getting stronger while still having a focus on the cardio.
6) What is your least favorite exercise and why?
Snatches. I am still learning how to figure out the movements and not make a fool of myself!
7) What has been your biggest accomplishment since starting at CF?
Getting stronger and feeling better about my body. I have always been good about getting the cardio done, but lacked at the strength training. This has given me a new perception on what I am capable of doing.
8) How many days per week do you work out at Carozza Fitness?
Classes 5-6 times a week. I tend to sign up for more running races and biking activities than I probably should, but having these activities to train for keeps me motivated!
9) What movement are you still struggling with and what are you doing to fix it?
The rope climb! Trying to practice how my feet wrap around the rope to remove the excess slack. The list is much longer, but the skills and drills classes are helping me understand and improve!
10) What’s your favorite color?
11) How has your nutrition changed since joining CF?
I thought I was managing what I was eating, but this past summer I got off track and OMT was exactly what I needed to get me back in-line. I was already on a gluten free diet so I thought the paleo diet would not be a drastic change. It made me re-assess what I was eating and allowed me to be creative with recipes and try new things.
12) What motivates you daily?
As awful as this sounds, I do not come from a family with “skinny genes”. For years I always wonder why some people can eat whatever they want and I look at food and gain weight. It did not seem fair to me, but it is reality. My motivation stems from wanting to be in good shape and not be sedentary. Also, the feeling after a good workout always makes me excited for what is to come the next day and how I can improve.
13) What advice would you give to someone who might be hesitant to join Carozza Fitness?
Do not let your fear get in the way and realize it is ok to step out of your comfort zone. Since day one of walking through the door I have felt welcome and encouraged to do my best.
14) What would you like your UNICORN name to be?
Forget-Me-Not Buttercup. I am so not creative but google has a unicorn name generator. (Forget-Me-Not is mischievous and nosey, Buttercup is a little crazy). JodiO will work just fine though!
1) How did you hear about the gym originally?
I originally purchased a Groupon 10 class pass, enabling me to try different classes and determine whether or not it was something I enjoyed before making a membership commitment.
2) Were you most interested in Private Training, CrossFit/Just Results classes or the Operation Muffin Top Bootcamp?
In researching the gym, I was immediately drawn to Operation Muffin Top as my primary objective was to lose weight.
3) What were your initial reasons for joining and have those reasons changed?
As mentioned above, my primary objective was to lose weight. While I'd like to continue to lose weight/maintain weight, my goal moving forward is to get stronger and further develop my mobility. I'd like to improve on a number of different exercises that I've struggled with.
4) How long have you been a member at Carozza Fitness?
I joined in January, 2017.
5) What is your favorite exercise? Why?
I've really enjoyed taking both the Row and Just Results classes. In terms of specific movements, My personal favorite has been the Back Squat. That being said, I feel the most comfortable on the Rower.
6) What is your least favorite exercise and why?
I've really struggled with the Olympic Lifts (Snatches, Cleans). I'd also love to improve my pull up movements.
7) What has been your biggest since starting at CF?
Since joining in January, 2017, I've lost 50lbs. 26.1lbs during the 8 week "Operation Muffin Top" program. I am so thankful for the advice and support of Mike, Danielle and the entire Carozza Fitness family.
8) How many days per week do you workout at Carozza Fitness?
Typically 5-6 days per week.
9) What movement are you still struggling with and what are you doing to fix it?
Really struggling with the "Kip" movement. Cory and Danielle have offered a number of helpful suggestions that I'm trying to incorporate to get better. These suggestions have helped me to develop my core strength/ shoulder strength.
10) What’s your favorite color?
11) How has your nutrition changed since joining CF?
My entire lifestyle has changed dramatically since joining Carozza. As an overweight diabetic, working for a consulting firm (Often traveling 4-5 days per week, eating out 12-15 times a week), I needed an overhaul. Since changing jobs, I've improved the way I eat, the way I exercise, even the way I sleep. I'm so thankful for the dietary advice I received during "Operation Muffin Top" as I've continued to live by these principles even beyond the program. Carozza Fitness has enabled me to build a healthy foundation.
12) What motivates you daily?
If you asked me 6 months ago, I was motivated to lose weight for my wedding in November! While that is still a motivation, I'm motivated daily to maintain a healthy lifestyle, to maintain my blood glucose. Results have driven me to keep pushing/ work harder.
13) What advice would you give to someone who might be hesitant to join Carozza Fitness?
There is often a preconceived notion around Crossfit/Crossfit Athletes that can lead to intimidation. That was certainly the case for me before joining. Heavy weight, limited form/technique training and a lack of education. I can say with absolute certainty, this has not been the case at Carozza Fitness. Mike, Doug and all of the coaches at Carozza have gone out of their way to ensure proper form and technique. Workouts are designed to isolate different muscle groups, to ensure the safety of athletes. There is truly a community/culture within Carozza that promotes growth and development, I'm thankful to everyone for being so welcoming to me.
My advice would be to come to a class, meet
the people, and try a workout.
14) What would you like your UNICORN name to be?

1) How did you hear about the gym originally?
I had a few friends from another gym who also came to Carozza so I got a Groupon to try it out! After my first class I was hooked!
2) Were you most interested in Private Training, CrossFit/Just Results classes or the Operation Muffin Top Bootcamp?
I’m a Just Results girl for sure!
3) What were your initial reasons for joining and have those reasons changed?
I swam competitively in college so doing Crossfit filled that need for intense physical activity I was used to. Classes at Carozza are by far the most challenging, while still being so much fun! Every workout you are encountered with is something different. I look at my exercise plan as something I want to do for life so keeping the workouts varied, fun, and challenging is the only way to go for me!
4) How long have you been a member at Carozza Fitness?
Almost 4 years. Once my youngest slept through the night I committed to becoming a full time member.
5) What is your favorite exercise? Why?
LEGS!! Lunges, squats, pistols, I love barbell movements, overhead squats are probably my favorite.
6) What is your least favorite exercise and why?
I would have to say push ups and dips, because they’re really difficult for me!
7) What has been your biggest accomplishment since starting at ?
Wow, there are so many! Completing a half marathon, first place at Domus, becoming insanely strong and the fittest I’ve ever been, especially after having two children…but I think the highlight so far has been Beer yoga 2018! Putting together such a big event for such a special cause was truly amazing! Feeling all of the love and support from my gym family and so many others makes it all worth it.
8) How many days per week do you workout at Carozza Fitness?
On average probably 6. Sometimes life gets in the way but I like to be active every day.
9) What movement are you still struggling with and what are you doing to fix it?
Push ups and dips are hard for me, especially after having long term shoulder pain. It is hard working on these while making sure I don’t re injure it. I am doing rehab and preventative exercises to try and work on these movements while not getting hurt.
10) What were your stats, physically, before coming to Carozza Fitness? Weight?
I have maintained the same weight, give or take a few lbs. The biggest change is in my definition and muscle acquisition. I am so much stronger than I ever have been.
11) How has your nutrition changed since joining CF?
I try to eat a clean, balanced diet. I have lots of indulgences (chocolate and wine) but overall I strive to be healthy and minimize the amount of artificial ingredients and chemicals going into my body.
12) What motivates you daily?
The way I feel after a wod motivates me to keep going. It sets me up for a great day, helps me manage stress, stay positive, and be a better person and mom. Long term, I want to try and decrease my odds of getting cancer in any way I can. Eating a clean diet and exercising are two ways to do that so that is my main goal!
13) What advice would you give to someone who might be hesitant to join Carozza Fitness?
Do not be intimidated! Anybody can do crossfit. Everything can be modified and it will be the best, most fun workout you have ever done. Anything that gets me jumping out of bed at 4 am without a second thought must be amazing!
14) Who’s your favorite Boy Band?
I’m not too into boy bands, my taste in music is way too sophisticated, ha…If I had to pick I’d go with NSYNC just because of JT :)

1) How did you hear about the gym originally?
I first joined about 6 years ago when the gym was in walking distance! I used to come 364 days a year it was so convenient!
2) Were you most interested in Private Training, CrossFit/Just Results classes or the Operation Muffin Top Bootcamp?
I love just results classes but crossfit has helped build my foundation for weight training.
3) What were your initial reasons for joining and have those reasons changed?
I first joined because I heard great things about the crossfit model. I was so pleasantly surprised by how much a gym could change my life. Not only is it a great workout everyday but I have met some of the most amazing women I've ever known.
4) How long have you been a member at Carozza Fitness?
Oh boy, time flies! I think it's been over 6 years!
5) What is your favorite exercise? Why?
I can't pick just one! Pull ups, toes to bar and cleans!
6) What is your least favorite exercise and why?
Hmm.... probably strongman movements but I try not to cherry pick those days ;-)
7) What has been your biggest accomplishment since starting at CF?
This may be a strange answer but I'm going to say what has fulfilled me the most is getting to meet so many inspiring and beautiful women, inside and out. Not that we don't have some amazing men too but hands down we have some of the best females around. They motivate me every day.
8) How many days per week do you workout at Carozza Fitness?
Typically 6 days a week
8) What movement are you still struggling with and what are you doing to fix it?
Pretty much everything is a work in progress! That's one of the best parts of crossfit- you can always improve no matter how long you've been doing it.
9) What were your stats, physically, before coming to Carozza Fitness? Weight?
I am so much stronger now than I was six years ago. It's pretty funny when women outside of the gym ask me how I got arms like that!
10) How has your nutrition changed since joining CF?
I eat a pretty clean diet with mainly organics and no gluten, soy or dairy due to food allergies. I guess the best way to describe my diet is a modified paleo approach but without red meat. Believe it or not I never ate bacon before joining CF.... thanks Christine Sikes!
11) What motivates you daily?
I am constantly inspired by those around me, whether it's at the gym, professionally or personally. I am always striving to be a better person.
12) What advice would you give to someone who might be hesitant to join Carozza Fitness?
DO IT! LIKE RIGHT NOW!!!! But in all seriousness, if you are looking for a place to push yourself outside of your comfort zone and make some amazing friends along the way, than Carozza is your new home.
13) Who’s your favorite Boy Band?
Rascal Flatts!!!!!! I have seen them 18 times in concert!

Angelita Y.
1) How did you hear about the gym originally?
Through Groupon. I wanted to try something new because I was tired of the same old routine at the gym.
2) Were you most interested in Private Training, CrossFit/Just Results classes or the Operation Muffin Top Bootcamp?
CrossFit fits into my available time but I have tried Just Results and I like that as well.
3) What were your initial reasons for joining and have those reasons changed?
I just want to be get fit not skinny. I wanted to be more active and have more energy for my kids.
4) How long have you been a member at Carozza Fitness?
It’s been a year.
5) What is your favorite exercise? Why?
Deadlifts are my fav. I guess because I feel like I can pick up heavier weight.
6) What is your least favorite exercise and why?
Burpees. There is a lot of me to get up from the ground and it takes the wind out of me! lol
7) What has been your biggest accomplishment since starting at ?
It’s been a slow progression but slow and steady wins the race. I’ve started running to help get my breathing under control which I feel has helped a lot. So I’m proud that I can make it through the workouts without passing out.
8) How many days per week do you workout at Carozza Fitness?
I go 4 times a week but push for 5 if I have the time.
9) What movement are you still struggling with and what are you doing to fix it?
I would love to do a pull-up with out a band. I just keep working on holding at the top of my pull up and going down slowly to try to get stronger.
10) What were your stats, physically, before coming to Carozza Fitness? Weight?
Well I’m a taller and bigger girl. Don’t really want to give out that info but I’ve lost almost 20 lbs and have gained a lot more muscle. I definitely see that change with how my clothes fit. I would like to lose around 15-20 more lbs.
11) How has your nutrition changed since joining CF?
I eat much more clean than before. I drink protein shakes which I never did before. Although I do cheat but try to keep it to a minimum.
12) What motivates you daily?
My kids and that I want to feel good about myself.
13) What advice would you give to someone who might be hesitant to join Carozza Fitness?
Everything can be modified to fit individual needs so all levels can do it.
14) Who’s your favorite Boy Band?
I was an N-Sync fan back in the day!