Operation Muffin Top™
The Ultimate Weight-loss Challenge
Are YOU COvid-Fit?
The 15 lbs of weight gain caused by nervously binge eating your COVID-19 food stockpile.
Oh man, I shouldn’t have eaten the Costco box of cookies, I’m one step closer to hitting my COVID-15
Our "Operation Muffin Top" 8-week weight-loss Challenge is about life transformation through education, nutrition, and fitness to improve your strength-to-weight ratio.
Whether you are just beginning the journey for better health, or an elite athlete looking to take your fitness to the next level, you owe it to yourself to take this challenge. No more excuses and no regrets - improve yourself, impact the world around you, and win some CASH!
With O.M.T Civid-Fit there is ONE way to win. The participant with the most points will receive $150 but EVERYONE will come out from hibernation HEALTHIER, STRONGER and BETTER!
1. Weigh-in/out will be drive through (shoes on)
2. Start date: Monday April 20th- Wednesday April 22nd
3. Food log App: Calorie Counter by Fat Secret app
Before/after pic: 20 points
Daily food logs: 10 points
Testimonial: 20 points
Online CF fitness class (ZOOM Live): 5 pts
OMT online social (ZOOM): 5pts
Post a video of the daily Covid-Fit challenge to CF Facebook page: 5 points
While most come to OMT to look and feel better here's the reason we base performance of the program on the scale and why that number truly matters...
Strength-to-Weight ratio
While strength-to-weight ratio is often used when discussing weight-training sports, it’s important for any athlete. A high SWR usually means you can produce more power with every action – so you can run, swim and cycle faster. In gymnastics, an athlete with a higher strength-to-weight ratio can perform better in suspension exercises, such as on the rings or parallel bars. A cyclist with a higher SWR can power up hills more quickly and efficiently with less effort.
While adding muscle mass helps increase your strength-to-weight ratio when you are a weight- or powerlifter, you don’t want to add too much excess muscle when you’re an endurance athlete or a gymnast. A heavier, more muscular body means you have that much more weight to carry or propel through space.
Functional training with bodyweight exercises – such as pushups, pullups and core work -- and reducing excess body fat with a healthy, portion-controlled diet, you will improve your strength-to-weight ratio.
Members: $100
Non-members: $150


I joined Carozza Fitness 6 and a half years ago…. I was nearing my 50th birthday and gave Mike Carozza the challenge “Get me looking and feeling the best that I can”! I joined OMT, worked out vigorously, and listened steadfastly to Mike’s advice. My transformation – inside and out – was dramatic, and 6 years later I decided it was time for a tune up! Even though I’d continued to work out regularly – 5 times a week on average, with added bike rides, runs, and tennis thrown in on occasion – my eating and drinking had got a little out of hand! I had done OMT before, and knew I could do it again. Paleo eating works really well for me, and I enjoy it. So…. I signed up for the Summer OMT and knew I had 8 weeks of hard work and discipline ahead of me. I immediately turned to strict paleo eating again – lots of protein, vegetables, fruit, almond milk, all were easy to make and delicious. I discovered plant-based yogurts, crackers, and snacks that are delicious. I did no meal prep, but made sure I had protein to hand, easy to eat and staisfying, so I didn’t have to turn to junk when I was out and about. I said no to all alcohol, turning instead to ice cold water with a slice of lemon, or green tea or even a coffee…. It’s easier than you think. I was used to having a glass of wine each night, and on weekends a couple of cocktails thrown in. I am also a chocolate lover. I would say alcohol and chocolate are my two big weaknesses. Nope. An 8 week detox was in order!!!! I logged my calories every day – everything that passed my mouth went in to the app. I stuck to 1200 calories a day. Danielle was my coach during the 8 weeks, and she would waste no time telling me what I was and wasn’t doing well. Every time I reached for a handful of almonds, or wondered about that bar of chocolate, I would think twice – how would I log this, and what would Danielle say!!!! I was only going to be cheating myself! What I have come to realize is that working out is just one piece of the puzzle. Eating healthy is the other. As I get older it’s harder to keep those extra pounds off, even with working out each day and staying active. Combine exercise with healthier eating and for me the pounds dropped off; each day I felt more energetic, healthier, younger. I had a spring in my step and no longer felt so tired and sluggish. At week five I plateaued for a week – not losing any weight – but the following week the scales dipped again. I didn’t allow myself to be derailed – even through birthdays, graduations, girls’ trips, family vacation. No Excuses Just Results. The support of Carozza Fitness and the community was immense, and I would say to anyone – walk through the door, speak to the coaches, ask for help, join us, don’t be afraid, and just start. Seriously. If I can do it you can too. And you will be so much happier in every aspect of your life.OMT was one of the most difficult challenges I’ve ever done, but also the most rewarding because it was the beginning of an incredible 8 week transformation. The support from the coaches, the diet, friendly competition, and the intense workouts were just what I needed to keep me on track and form sustainable healthy habits. I can’t believe how quickly the 8 weeks flew by, and the incredible results I saw from the program. Thank you for pushing me out of my comfort zone, and challenging me to be the healthiest and strongest I’ve ever been. I’m looking forward to continuing my journey beyond OMT!
Carolyn Samuel: 2019 Winner
Stamford, CT

When I signed up for OMT, I was nervous and had no idea what I was getting myself into. Prior to the challenge, I haWhen I signed up for OMT, I was nervous and had no idea what I was getting myself into. Prior to the challenge, I had never set foot in a crossfit gym and my diet was the polar opposite of Paleo. Although I was regularly training for half marathons, I was completely ignoring strength training and any semblance of balanced nutrition (hello cheese, carbs, and wine!).
OMT was one of the most difficult challenges I’ve ever done, but also the most rewarding because it was the beginning of an incredible 8 week transformation. The support from the coaches, the diet, friendly competition, and the intense workouts were just what I needed to keep me on track and form sustainable healthy habits. I can’t believe how quickly the 8 weeks flew by, and the incredible results I saw from the program. Thank you for pushing me out of my comfort zone, and challenging me to be the healthiest and strongest I’ve ever been. I’m looking forward to continuing my journey beyond OMT!
Stamford, CT

I was very nervous starting OMT. In the past, I had not been very disciplined, longer than a week or two, sticking to a diet or consistent work out routine. With the help of the Carozza staff, especially Danielle, I was able to stay focused and motivated. Which meant I attended five or more classes per week. She also was very supportive with sticking to my diet. My knowledge of nutrition and wellness increased over eight weeks and I realized a lot about myself and how I can stay committed and determined to health. Danielle helped me realize how much fat I was eating and the importance of eating good carbohydrates to stay full and to increase strength without losing muscle mass. She also kept me in check when I would “cheat" with either drinking or sugary snacks. Overall, my experience has been incredibly positive! I never thought I would lose as much weight as I did in a short period of time. I know that I have the tools and experience to move forward and continue these healthy habits in pursuit of my ultimate wellness goals. Thank you again to Danielle, Mike, and the entire Carozza Fitness staff for an awesome experience. Cheers!
Dan D
Stamford, CT

I wanted to thank the coaches and staff at Carozza Fitness for giving me the tools and support to be successful. During my time at the gym (Roughly 6 months to date) I've been welcomed into a wonderful community of inspiring athletes. I've enjoyed getting to know so many exceptional individuals. The level of personal attention and instruction has been instrumental in my personal weight loss goals. I'm thankful for those who encouraged me to take risks and push me outside of my comfort zone.
Stamford, CT

I didn't participate in OMT to lose weight. Losing weight was never my goal, quite the opposite actually. I went to Mike before OMT started and told him that I had been told because I am thin I will never be strong enough to be able to do pull-ups or lift heavy weights. I asked him worriedly if I would need to actually gain weight to reach my goals. He told me that was crazy and that I should participate in OMT to gain muscle and strength the right way.
So I did.
I went religiously to 5-6 classes a week and followed a healthy eating plan. The community at the gym in the classes is the most motivating and encouraging of any gym I have ever belonged to (and that's a lot!) I looked forward to the classes every day. It became (and continues to be) my happy place. As far as the eating plan, I was only successful because Mike emailed me each morning after I submitted my food diary with feedback and tips to keep me going.
Sadly I had to drop out of OMT because of an injury but that didn't stop Mike and Doug from continuing to encourage me. I couldn't go to the classes but Mike sent me workouts I could do on my own so I wouldn't lose the strength I had gained and so I wouldn't feel frustrated out of the gym. I honestly don't think most trainers would care that much about their gym members achieving their goals. Especially since I was not a personal training client.
So here I am, 8 weeks later. Today I did 48 strict pull ups with no assistance. No WAY did I ever think I'd be able to do that. Ever. I feel strong and healthy. And I thank Mike and his team (and OMT) for getting me to reach what I thought (and was previously told) was an impossible goal.
Stamford, CT

I have been working with Mike and other trainers at CF since 1998. This was my second OMT, and after a bit of a slump, it has put me back on track! With an exacting nutrition coach, Danielle and demanding fitness coach Doug, I feel stronger, fitter and happier than before. Danielle monitored my daily nutrition diary and provided detailed comments on what I needed to do to eat a healthy balanced diet. She made me realize the importance of planning - primarily because I knew that I had to fill that diary for Danielle to view at the end of each day :). The experience has taught me how to review my food intake each day and make my choices and adjustments going forward. I’m determined to continue this and keep an ongoing nutrition diary.
I’ve been taking CrossFit and Just Results classes everyday, primarily with Doug. He is very astute and keeps a close eye on form and mobility and impresses on us the importance of both. Two years ago I had written a fitness goal as being able to do unassisted push-ups and pull-ups. I’m finally able to do them. Primarily due to the persistent encouragement from Doug, I’ve built up the strength to do these and more. This strength has been bolstered by eating the right foods (pulling and pushing 6 and a half lbs less has also helped!).
So thanks Mike for running this great program, and Doug and Danielle for making this a very successful OMT for me!OMT was one of the most difficult challenges I’ve ever done, but also the most rewarding because it was the beginning of an incredible 8 week transformation. The support from the coaches, the diet, friendly competition, and the intense workouts were just what I needed to keep me on track and form sustainable healthy habits. I can’t believe how quickly the 8 weeks flew by, and the incredible results I saw from the program. Thank you for pushing me out of my comfort zone, and challenging me to be the healthiest and strongest I’ve ever been. I’m looking forward to continuing my journey beyond OMT!ople more about this item. Give people the info they need to go ahead and take the action you want. To make this item your own, click here > Add & Manage Items.
Darien CT

When I signed up for OMT, I was nervous and had no idea what I was getting myself into. Prior to the challenge, I had never set foot in a crossfit gym and my diet was the polar opposite of Paleo. Although I was regularly training for half marathons, I was completely ignoring strength training and any semblance of balanced nutrition (hello cheese, carbs, and wine!).
OMT was one of the most difficult challenges I’ve ever done, but also the most rewarding because it was the beginning of an incredible 8 week transformation. The support from the coaches, the diet, friendly competition, and the intense workouts were just what I needed to keep me on track and form sustainable healthy habits. I can’t believe how quickly the 8 weeks flew by, and the incredible results I saw from the program. Thank you for pushing me out of my comfort zone, and challenging me to be the healthiest and strongest I’ve ever been. I’m looking forward to continuing my journey beyond OMT!ople more about this item. Give people the info they need to go ahead and take the action you want.
Stamford, CT

Thank you guys so much. I feel so honored to be recognized. You guys have change my life and thought me about balance, healthy eating and commitment to the goal. You have made me to have one!!! I have not feel that good about myself in the long time!!! You all are amazing team and have created the best home to all of us for health and fitness! Special thanks to Jason for pushing me and challenging me on many levels. The next 4-6 weeks will bring even better results! Thank you so much!!!!!!eople more about this item. Give people the info they need to go ahead and take the action you want. To make this item your own, click here > Add & Manage Items.
Stamford, CT

Walking back to CFSB in October was one of the hardest things I have done but if it was not for Mike constantly being a good friend would I have taken the guts to contact him – I remember his words Great!!
Knowing that I was walking back into a wonderful environment were the trainers were knowledgeable and encouraging meant everything to me, I quickly embraced all of that CFSB had to offer, including OMT.
During the 8 weeks of OMT, I was thrilled to have Coach Danielle as my nutrition coach she thought me how to balance my veggies and protein intake! I had a tendency to protein but I did learn all about balancing the ratios – thanks to her. Meal Prep became easier and fun. Danielle was always supportive and would always answer my questions, having Bridget as my OMT partner, we would plan and schedule our workouts and class times in advance, and also scheduled training sessions with the other trainers, whose tips really paid off even if it was a cold 5AM morning in February. After my 8 weeks of OMT I felt great, this was my fitness journey, I do crossfit for me! For the first time in a long time I was feel strong, capable and healthy! OMT was a huge eye-opener for me and I would recommend anyone to do it!
My hardest moment was not being around at the end of OMT for final weigh in and measurements as I was overseas (poor planning on my behalf) but I feel great I am looking forward to the Spring at CFSB, I appreciate all the tips and inspiration you provide daily!
Stamford, CT